
Many people endure skin pigmentation which can be caused by different factors like hormonal changes, age discolouration, or post inflammatory hyper pigmentation.

Dermamelan, previously known as Amelan is one of the most effective treatment for all of these skin pigmentation disorders. Dermamelan treatment is tailored to the individual needs of each patient and is also an exfoliating, highly depigmenting and rejuvenating formulation. The main indication of the procedure is the elimination of hormonal stains.

Before the procedure, the patient is informed about the course of the treatment, suitability and possible side effects. The procedure takes place in two stages. The first stage is the skin cleansing and degreasing. Then the Dermamelan mask is applied.

The patient goes home with the mask on. After specified time the mask needs to be washed off and aftercare instructions followed. The second stage is the maintenance cream which has to be used for three months afterwards.

The results of Dermamelan treatment can be seen after 5 to 7 days after the application.


  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Herpes virus
  • Active inflammatory changes on the skin
  • Use of vitamins A and its derivatives


  • Melasma – dark pigmentation of the skin
  • Pigmentation of hormonal origin
  • Discolouration spots that cannot be treated with other therapies
  • Freckles
  • Post-inflammatory hyper pigmentation